Chameleons : Nature's Hidden Jewels
Introduces chameleons in all their beauty and curiousness, and outlines
the present state of knowledge of chameleons. Compiles published
information and summarizes unpublished data from breeders, biologists, and
veterinarians. Early chapters give general information on origin and
distribution, biology, reproduction, and care of chameleons in terrariums.
Species accounts offer recent captive husbandry information and tell how a
particular genus is related to others. Includes a wealth of color photos
of rare species and subspecies. Lacks a subject index. Of interest to
professional and amateur herpetologists. |
The Chameleon Handbook
What do chameleons eat? How long do they live? Do they really change
color? How can you construct a good terrarium for them? These are just a
few of the many questions answered in this heavily illustrated handbook.
Titles in Barron's popular Pet Handbooks series instruct pet owners on
health care, proper feeding and housing, and other facts important to
owners and their pets. All books in this series have high quality,
full-color photos, line drawings, and run to an average of approximately
140 pages. |
The Reptile and Amphibian Problem Solver:
Practical and
Expert Advice on Keeping Snakes, Lizards, Frogs and Other Reptiles and
The popularity of reptiles and amphibians as pets has increased rapidly
throughout the world, with many advances in knowledge regarding the care
and breeding in captivity of these species. The Reptile and Amphibian
Problem Solver gives specific information on the care of more than 100
species, including lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises, frogs, toads,
newts, and salamanders. The authors also provide clear and effective
solutions to more than 450 of the most common problems.
Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles
Second Edition has been thoroughly revised. The text has been
reorganized, new chapters have been added, new text references have been
inserted. All this plus new color systematics sections will maintain this
book as THE leading textbook on the biology of amphibians and reptiles.
The book will also showcase reptiles and amphibians as model systems in
conceptual areas of biology. Such a text will help integrate herpetology
as a discipline into conceptually oriented undergraduate programs. The
book should also appeal to a large audience of sophisticated lay people
interested in reptiles and amphibians.
Chameleons, Vol. 1
Fascinating in their action, bizarre in their forms, and beautiful in
their colors and patterns, the true chameleons are among the most
interesting reptiles in the world to maintain and to breed. This book
discusses in depth--and shows in full color--a number of the chameleon
species that reptile enthusiasts are likely to encounter.
Chameleons, Vol. 2
This volume by a trio of experienced German keepers tells the beginner
everything you need to know about chameleon care, including basic breeding
secrets. Fully illustrated with dozens of color photos.